Fire Flow Test Request ***NEW***

The results of a Fire Flow Test completed within the last 12 month are required and must be presented on design drawings for all development project. Applications cannot be processed and Fire Flow Tests cannot be performed until CCWA is in receipt of payment and all required information, including location map. Use the following form to request a Fire Flow Test.

Fire Flow Test Application

Construction Specifications ***Updated in 2024***

The purpose of these documents is to set forth the uniform policies, regulations, and procedures governing the design, construction, use and operation of the water systems under the jurisdiction and control of the Carroll County Water Authority.

CCWA Water and Sewer Specifications (2024)

The following appendices are included in the CCWA Water and Sewer Specifications, and are listed separately here for ease of reference:

Appendix A - Water System Addition Submittal Form

Appendix B - Maintenance Bond

Appendix C - Waiver of Lien

Appendix D - Water Plan Guidelines

Appendix E - Sewer Plan Guidelines

Appendix F - Required Construction Plan Notes

Appendix G - Detail Drawings (Water & Sewer)


556 Old Bremen Road
Carrollton, GA 30117

PO Box 739
Carrollton, GA 30112

770.832.1277 (Phone)

770.830.8853 (Fax)

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